Truly Stress Free Treatments
Anxiety Free Sedation Dentistry In Aurora At Retro Dental Aurora
A Few of the Benefits of Dental Sedation:
At Retro Dental Aurora we understand that sometimes the thought of visiting your Aurora dentist can be unsettling. With modern sedation dentistry we can really put those issues to rest… pun intended
Happy, Content or Totally Unaware…The Choice Is Yours
Sedation dentistry in Aurora at Retro Dental Aurora is for those who have moderate to high fear or anxiety to some or any of the dental procedures that they may need
If you find yourself avoiding the dentist at all costs due to dental anxiety, our doctors and dental team understand what you are going through, and we are ready and willing to help. No matter if it is just a routine cleaning and checkup or a more complicated dental procedure like aroot canal or extraction, we will offer you minimal, moderate, and deep sedation dentistry to help make your visit a positive experience. Oral sedation is a popular choice that will help calm your dental anxiety. You will take prescribed pills an hour before your appointment to help you feel calm and relaxed. Nitrous Oxide, also known as ”laughing gas”, is the most frequently used method of sedation dentistry. This is an odorless, colorless gas, administered by using a facemask, giving you complete relaxation. After using this type of sedation, when the procedure is finished, you are not impaired and have the ability to drive yourself home. The IV sedation requires you to bring someone along to drive you home. IV sedation is for patients with severe anxiety and will be administered intravenously. The beauty of this sedation is that you will not remember a thing. At Retro Dental Aurora, you make the choice for experiencing anxiety and pain-free dental treatment.