Root Canal Basics
For root canals in Aurora, you can find the best quality dentist at Retro Dental Aurora to give you a painless solution
How Do I Know If I Need a Root Canal?
It’s not always obvious when you need a root canal. The symptoms can vary widely so here are a few things to watch out for:
Waterlase And Root Canals
Need a root canal in Aurora, come to Retro Dental Aurora to experience the newest and greatest technology of Waterlase
With the new technology of Waterlase, dental practitioners have started changing the treatment for root canals. Waterlase uses a high-pressure water system to clean out and remove dead tissue and infection from your root’s canal. With conventional root canals, there will be times when the procedure will leave behind bacteria after the root canal is filled and sealed. In contrast, Waterlase has proven to clean the root more thoroughly to removing microorganisms that are hiding in your dentinal tubules or tiny holes. This laser approach pierces deep into your permeable tubules, eliminating bacteria without injuring or causing pain to the surrounding tissues. Traditional root canals only clean out the tooth’s root, while Waterlase will actually sterilize it This increases your chances of a successful root canal procedure. Waterlase is a great new technology and we have it!