TMJ/TMD Basics

Aurora has TMJ treatments ridding you of migraines, ringing in your ears and neck pain

Millions of Americans suffer from headaches, neck or facial pain. In some cases, this is due to TMJ/TMD. TMJ is the temporomandibular joint, while TMD is the actual disorder or Temporomandibular disorder. This is a very painful disorder that attacks the TM joint, which is found right in front of both ears and includes the jaw joint and the jaw muscles. The TMJ helps you talk and chew, and when not working properly, pain and other issues occur. This disorder can develop from an injury to the head, face or neck. However, the exact reason cannot always be identified. It affects all ages but is most pronounced during the teenage years, causing sharp pain that is relentless accompanied by chronic discomfort. It also may cause you to grind or clench your teeth. Many people live with this condition without discovering what it is or knowing there is a treatment available. Call for help today at (720) 307-4739. We are available 24/7.

Do I Have TMJ Disorder?

Here is some easy-to-follow information about TMJ Disorder relating to jaw pain as well as helpful information on what to expect when visiting our Aurora office for a jaw pain consult/em>

Treatments of TMJ/TMD

Aurora’s finest TMJ treatment will include a thorough examination from a highly trained TMJ doctor

We are highly trained with TMJ and TMD and Neuromuscular dentistry. We use TENS appliances to relax the jaw muscles in order to determine the correct jaw position for allowing the jaw muscles to function properly. We evaluate every patient for TMJ dysfunction at their regular exam. If there is a problem detected, our main goal will be to arrest it and protect your teeth from further damage, while correcting the underlying bite malocclusion. Your therapy may involve suggesting ways to alleviate your stress. For example, avoiding chewing gum or hard to chew foods, taking smaller bites and alternating between chewing on each side of your mouth. A common application for contending with TMD may involve fitting you with a night guard, which will alleviate stress and stop the grinding and clenching of teeth. Good nutrition and posture will aid in the healing process, as well as sleeping on your side. We will take every opportunity to relieve you of your discomfort and eliminate the TMD pain you are experiencing.